X-Message-Number: 12223
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 15:34:53 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug Skrecky <>
Subject: olive oil polyphenols

  Visioli F.  Bellomo G.  Galli C.
  Institute of Pharmacological Sciences, University of Milan, Italy.
  Free radical-scavenging
  properties of olive oil polyphenols.
  Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications.  247(1):60-4, 1998 Jun 9.
  Plants in the Mediterranean basin, such as vine and olive trees, have
  developed an array of antioxidant defences to protect themselves from
  environmental stress. Accordingly, the incidence of coronary heart disease
  and certain cancers is lower in the Mediterranean area, where olive oil is
  the dietary fat of choice. As opposed to other vegetable oils, extra virgin
  olive oil, which is obtained by physical pressure from a whole fruit, is rich
  in phenolic components that are responsible for the particular stability of
  the oil. We have investigated the scavenging actions of some
  olive oil phenolics, namely hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, with respect to
  superoxide anion generation, neutrophils respiratory burst, and hypochlorous
  acid. The low EC50S indicate that both compounds are potent scavengers of
  superoxide radicals and inhibitors of neutrophils
  respiratory burst: whenever demonstrated in vivo, these
  properties may partially explain the observed lower
  incidence of CHD and cancer associated with the Mediterranean diet.

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