X-Message-Number: 13938
Date: Tue, 13 Jun 2000 15:41:35 -0500
From: david pizer <>
Subject: What's love got to do with it?

>From: Mathew Sullivan <>
>Subject: Response to Dave Pizer

>For Dave Pizer's interest and convenience, I'll re-post the following
>membership figures from #13862:

>Year/Members/Added/% Increase
>Technically speaking, you can see a dramatic drop in Alcor's growth rate
>when you became active, followed by marginal growth rates.  Now that you
>are no longer active, growth rates have started to go back up.

Where did you get your information?

I got VERY active in the middle of 1988 when I was taken into custody in
the Dora Kent matter.  In early 89 I filed suit Pizer vs Riverside on my
behalf and that of 5 others, and then continued to get more involved.  

Say, didn't you start hanging around Alcor in 1993?  :=)

>Now, I am not blaming you for the dramatic drop in Alcor's growth rate.  


>anything, I would argue that Alcor's growth rates have been largely
>independent of your activities.

I was posting my opinion of reasons why I believe Alcor is not growing; and
what I thought Alcor could do to help itself.

I don't realize what your posting was supposed to show in opposition to my
claims that *lower prices* would: help Alcor do more business and grow
faster - which would protect the present patients better; and make more
money in the long run - that can be used for all kinds of things; and help
more people afford cryonics - thereby (if it works) save more lives; and
protects its 501c3 non-profit status.


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