X-Message-Number: 14019
Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2000 19:12:48 -0500
From: david pizer <>
Subject: Re: CryoNet #14014 - #14017

Thanks to everyone who has posted information on HGH.

Specific questions to Thomas:

>From: Thomas Donaldson <>
>Subject: about Human Growth Hormone

>For Dave Pizer:

>You are probably aware of my book on antiaging drugs. 


>The pituitary hormone GHRH (Growth Hormone Releasing
>Hormone) looks like the best choice, since it will cause increases of
>HGH in older people. Getting it may be difficult.

OK, this sounds interesting and safer than the regular HGH that some posts
suggested *might* cause cancer.  GHRH sounds like it is causes a natural
process of getting the pituitary (my own pituitary) to release HGH like it
used to when it was younger?

If this is so, what specifically do I ask my doctor for or is it sold over
the counter?

Yes, Trudy has copies of the older books.  I would like the chapter you
suggested, where do I send the $10.00?

Wanna' trade for a Ralph's Journey? ;=)


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