X-Message-Number: 17063
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 23:58:54 EDT
Subject: Suspended Animation of Cells (Including Stem Cells)


I was provided with a procedures guide last year by a large cryogenics-based 
cell storage lab involved with cancer research.  The purpose of the guide is 
quoted as follows: "This information has been compiled to provide a guide for 
better understanding of the cryogenic preservation process..."  I have reason 
to believe its reproduction for this forum is OK.

I think it is worthy of presentation to the Cryonet for several reasons, one 
of which is to shed light on a recent question asked regarding the reason 
cell cultures have been more successfully preserved than tissues and organs.  
While not specifically addressed, some of the reasons can be gleaned from the 
text of this writing.  There are several other reasons that this information 
may be of interest to some (while it is mostly or completely "old news" to 
"cryoveterans").  However, I do want to remind those who may be new to this 
forum that the purpose and function of cryonics, as well as its theory and 
techniques, are quite distinct from cell culture preservation.  For one, this 
guide regards *suspended animation* which is currently not possible for all 
but the smallest and "simplest" of multi-cellular animals.

While I plan to present most or all of this nine-page manual in sections over 
the next few days, I will provide a list of all the headings and the complete 
list of cited Reference at the end of this particular post.  Immediately to 
follow is the Introduction Section only for today's posting.



by John A. Ryan

Maintaining healthy, growing cell cultures is a demanding task made more 
difficult by the ever-present risk of their loss through accidents or 
contamination.  In addition, actively growing cell cultures are not static 
but, like all populations of microorganisms, subject to age-related or 
environmentally induced changes which can result in their ongoing evolution 
and potential loss.

These problems are reduced by using cryogenic preservation to stop biological 
time for cell cultures, effectively putting them into true suspended 
animation.  This concept, long a favorite ploy of science fiction writers and 
movie producers, has been a reality since the important discovery by Polge, 
Smith and Parkes (11) in 1949 that glycerol prevents injury to cells caused 
by freezing.  Many cook book-style protocols are now available for freezing 
cells and these procedures usually perform well (3, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16).  It 
is essential, however, when problems arise or protocol adaptations and 
improvements must be made, that the underlying concepts on which they are 
based are well understood.  This guide examines both the basic theoretical 
concepts and practical aspects necessary for successfully freezing animal 
cells and managing a cell repository.


Once successfully frozen and stored, cell cultures require little time and 
effort for their maintenance.  The only real cost is the expense of 
maintaining an ultracold (-130C or lower) mechanical freezer or liquid 
nitrogen supply.  This limited expense compares very favorably with the time, 
effort and substantial cost of the media and supplies necessary for 
maintaining actively growing cultures, or for the cost of obtaining a new 
culture from a repository.  Frozen cultures provide an important backup 
supply for replenishing occasional losses due to contamination or accidents 
and provide the assurance of a homogeneous culture supply.  Cellular changes 
or alterations occur in all actively growing populations.  These changes 
often result in the loss of important characteristics during evolution of the 
cultures thereby introducing unwanted variables into long-term experiments.  
Cryogenically preserved cultures apparently do not undergo any detectable 
changes once they are stored below -130C (1, 8).  Therefore, the biological 
effects of in vitro cellular aging and evolution may be minimized by 
frequently returning to frozen stock cultures, allowing ongoing long-term 
culture experiments to be successfully completed without these unwanted 
variables.  Frozen cultures also provide a valuable baseline against which 
future experimentally induced changes may be compared or measured.


To understand why freezing protocols work, it is necessary to examine both 
the intracellular and extracellular events occurring in animal cell cultures 
during the freezing process (2, 4, 8).  Initial cooling from room temperature 
to 0 degrees slows cellular metabolism, rapidly disrupting active transport 
and ionic pumping.  Usually this disruption does not result in cellular 
damage if the culture medium is osmotically balanced.  As cooling continues 
(0C to -20C) ice crystals begin to form in the extracellular environment 
which increases the solute concentrations of the culture medium as a result, 
water begins to move out of the cells and into the partially frozen 
extracellular medium, beginning the process of cellular dehydration and 

When the cooling process is rapid, intracellular ice crystals form before 
complete cellular dehydration has occurred.  These ice crystals disrupt 
cellular organelles and membranes and lead to cell death during the recovery 
(thawing) process.

When the cooling process is slow, free intracellular water is osmotically 
pulled from the cells resulting in complete cellular dehydration and 
shrinkage.  This can also cause cellular death but there is little agreement 
on the mechanisms involved.  The physical stresses of cellular shrinking may 
cause some damage resulting in irreparable membrane loss and cytoskeletal and 
organelle disruption.  Damage may also be caused by the high concentrations 
of solutes in the remaining unfrozen extracellular medium (essentially a 
brine solution).  These solutes attack cells both externally and internally, 
resulting in membrane damage, pH shifts and general protein denaturation.

However, when the cooling rate is slow enough to prevent intracellular ice 
formation, but fast enough to avoid serious dehydration effects, cells may be 
able to survive the freezing and thawing process.  This survival zone or 
window is readily observed in many bacterial and other prokaryotes, but for 
most eukaryotic cells it is nonexistent or very difficult to find without 
using cryoprotective agents.  These agents have little effect on the damage 
caused by fast freezing (intercellular ice crystal formation), but neither 
prevent or lessen the damage caused by slow freezing (dehydration and 
shrinkage) (8).

The final storage temperature is also critical for successful 
cryopreservation. To completely stop biological time, storage temperatures 
must be maintained below -130C, the glass transition point below which liquid 
water does not exist and diffusion is insignificant.  While many cell 
cultures are successfully stored at -70C to -90C for months or even years, 
biological time is not stopped, only slowed, and cellular damage or changes 
will accumulate.

Storage in liquid nitrogen at -196C effectively prevents all thermally driven 
chemical reactions.  Only photo-physical effects caused by background 
ionizing radiation still operate at this temperature.  Thousands of years are 
estimated to be necessary before background radiation will have a noticeable 
effect on cryopreserved cultures (2, 8).


Under the best of circumstances the process of freezing remains stressful to 
all cell cultures.  It is important that everything possible be done to 
minimize these stresses on the cultures in order to maximize their subsequent 
recovery and survival.  The following suggestions and recommendations are 
designed to augment of the protocols referred to earlier.

Near future Section Headings to appear over the next few days are:

1. Cell Selection,  2. Cell Harvesting,  3. Cryoprotection,  4. Storage 
Vessels,  5. Labeling and Recordkeeping,  6. Cooling Rate,  7. Cryogenic 
Storage, 8. Thawing,  9. Recovery, 10. Problem Solving Suggestions,  11. 
Managing a Cell Repository



1. Aswood-Smith, M.J. and G.B. Friedmann, 1979. Lethal and Chromosomal 
Effects of Freezing, Thawing, Storage Time and X-irradiation on Mammalian 
Cells Preserved at -196C in Dimethylsulfoxide.  Cryobiology 16:132-140

2. Aswood-Smith, M.J., 1980. Low Temperature Preservation of Cells, Tissues 
and Organs, p. 19-44. In Low Temperature Preservation in Medicine and 
Biology. M.J. Aswood-Smith and J. Farrant, Eds. (Pitman Medical Limited, 
Kent, England).

3. Coriell, L.L., 2979.  Preservation, Storage and Shipment, p. 29-35. In 
Methods in Enzymology. Vol. 58, W.B. Jacoby and I.H. Pasten, Eds., (Academic 
Press, New York).

4. Farrant, J., 1989. General Observations on Cell Preservation, p. 1-18. In 
Low Temperature Preservation in Medicine and Biology, M.J. Aswood-Smith and 
J. Farrant, Eds. (Pitman Medical Limited, Kent, England).

5. Freshney, R.L., 1994.  Culture of Animal Cells: A manual of Basic 
Technique, p. 254-263. (3rd edition; Wiley-Liss, New York.

6. Hay, R.J., 1978. Preservation of Cell Culture Stocks in Liquid Nitrogen, 
p. 787-790. TCA Manual 4.

7. Klebe, R.J. and M. G. Mancuso, 1983. Identification of New Cryoprotective 
Agents for Cultured Mammalian Cells. In Vitro 19:167-170.

8. Mazur, P., 1984.  Freezing of Living Cells; Mechanisms and Implications, 
p. C125-C142. Am. J. Physiol. 247 (Cell Physiol. 16).

9. McGarrity, G.J., J. Sarama, and V. Vanaman, 1985. Cell Culture Techniques. 
 ASM News 51:170-183.

10. Peterson, W.D., W.F. Simpson and B. Hukku, 1973.  Cell Culture 
Characterization: Monitoring for Cell Identification, p. 164-178. In Tissue 
Culture: Methods and Applications, P.F. Kruse and M.K. Patterson, Jr. Eds. 
(Academic Press, New York).

11. Polge, C., A. U. Smith, and A.S. Parkes, 1949.  Revival of Spermatozoa 
after Vitrification and Dehydration at Low Temperatures.  Nature 164: 666

12. Ryan, J., 1994. Understanding and Managing Cell Culture Contamination, 
TC-CI-559. Corning Costar Corporation Technical Monograph.

13. Schroy, C.B., and P. Todd, 1976.  A Simple method for Freezing and 
Thawing Cultured Cells, p. 309-310. TCA Manual 2, Procedure Number 76035.

14. Shannon, J.E. and M.L. Macy, 1973.  Freezing, Storage, and Recovery of 
Cell Stocks, p. 712-718.  In Tissue Culture: Methods and Applications. P.F. 
Kruse and M.K. Patterson, Jr. Eds. (Academic Press, New York).

15. Smith, K.O., 1981. Low Temperature Storage of Surface Attached Living 
Cell Cultures. Cryobiology 18:251-257.

16. Waymouth, C. and D. S. Varnum, 1976. Simple Freezing Procedure for 
Storage in Serum-free Media of Cultured and Tumor Cells of Mouse, p. 311-313. 
 TCA Manual 2, Procedure Number 76165.


David C. Johnson, Raleigh, NC

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