X-Message-Number: 18799
From: "John de Rivaz" <>
Subject: Martinots - officials named by French Press
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 12:11:37 -0000

Here is a list of URLs found today concening the Martinots.

Below are English links, following these are French links, in which three
officials are "outed" (named).

If in the future it is ever revealed that freezing in the manner of the
Martinots could have been reversible by advanced technology, then the names
of those responsible will be tarred with infamy.

Judge: Roger Mondonneix
Lawyer of the Prefecture: Christian Prioux
Prefect of Maine-et-Loire: Jacques Bathelemy

I am not certain, but it appears that it is the Prefect of Maine-et-Loire,
Jacques Bathelemy, who started this and who has been authorised to use
violence to thaw and rot the Martinots. The judge may have had the option to
order a stay of execution to allow for an appeal, and the defence lawyer,
Alain Fouquet, said that the court should have heared more evidence which
presumably the judge refused. The Lawyer of the Prefecture was "doing his
job" - he may have been able to refuse the case, though - I don't know.
Also, although this is pure conjecture on my part, he may have encouraged
Judge Mondonneix to refuse the extra evidence that Maitre Fouquet pointed
out should be taken into consideration.

English News Stories:

Colorado town offers asylum to frozen French couple
Found by: Ananova

Court says frozen parents must be buried
...Remy Martinot's father, Raymond, froze his wife's body when she died in
1984 aged 49,... - Wed 13. Mar 11:42
Found by: Yahoo! UK & Ireland News

French court orders burial of couple who chose to be frozen
Found by: FT.com

French court rules against frozen couple
A court rules that a couple who were frozen after their death in the hope of
future resuscitation must be buried. -- 13/03/2002
Found by: BBC News

Court says frozen parents must be buried
...Remy Martinot's father, Raymond, froze his wife's body when she died in
1984 aged 49,... - Wed 13. Mar 11:42
Found by: Yahoo! UK & Ireland News

French court tells son to bury his frozen parents 1
Found by: Ananova  http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_543171.html

Frozen bodies ruling delayed
A French court delays a ruling on whether people can be frozen after death
until next week. -- 08/03/2002
Found by: BBC News

French court to rule if corpses must be buried
Found by: Ananova

Frozen couple sparks heated debate
French authorities ponder whether to thaw out a dead couple who illegally
had their bodies frozen in the hope of being revived in the future. --
Found by: BBC News

Rules force frozen dead couple to be thawed Found by: Ananova

French News Stories:

Couple congel  : vers une inhumation ?
Le tribunal de grande instance de Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) a ordonn  hier que
le docteur Raymond Martinot et sa compagne soient sortis du caisson
cryog nique o  ils reposent, dans le ch teau de Nueil-sur-Layon, pour  tre
simplement inhum s ...
Found by: DNA
 http://www.dna.fr/cgi/dna/motk/idxlist_light  |  79%  |  Translate

La justice ordonne l'inhumation d'un couple congel 
*** outed Judge: Roger Mondonneix ***
... tribunal de grande instance de Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) a permis mercredi
que le docteur Raymond Martinot et sa compagne soient sortis du caisson
cryog nique o  ils reposent,...
Found by: Yahoo! France Actualit s
 http://fr.news.yahoo.com/020313/202/2ig5j.html  |  76%  |  Translate

Les  poux qui s' taient fait congeler devront  tre inhum s
NANTES (Reuters) - Le tribunal de grande instance de Saumur, dans le
Maine-et-Loire, a ordonn  l'inhumation du couple Martinot, congel  dans une
crypte du ch teau familial, apprend-on appris de source judiciaire. Dans son
jugement en r f r , le tribunal rappelle que la cong lation d'un corps apr s
un d c s n'est pas pr vue par le code civil.
Found by: Nomade Actualit /Presse
 http://actu.nomade.tiscali.fr/francemonde/detail.asp  |  76%  |  Translate

Lib ration - D p ches
... 13 mars 2002 10:00:51 GMT NANTES (Reuters) - Le tribunal de grande
instance de Saumur, dans le Maine-et-Loire, a ordonn  l'inhumation du couple
Martinot, congel  dans une crypte du ch teau familial, apprend-on appris de
source judiciaire. Dans son jugement en r f r , le tribunal rappelle que la
cong lation ...
Found by: Lib ration
|  76%  |  Translate

Justice: la cong lation n'est pas une inhumation (13.03)
Le tribunal de grande instance de Saumur (Maine-e-Loire) a autoris  mercredi
le pr fet de Maine-et-Loire a proc der   l'inhumation du Dr Raymond
Found by: Le Nouvel Observateur Quotidien
 http://archquo.nouvelobs.com/cgi/idxlist  |  70%  |  Translate

Le couple congel  doit  tre inhum 
Un tribunal fran ais a ordonn , mercredi, l'inhumation d'un couple dont les
corps congel s ont  t  pr serv s dans un cong lateur situ&e...
Found by: Le Soir - Actualit s
 http://www.lesoir.com/articles/a_02410d.asp  |  70%  |  Translate

Les  poux qui s' taient fait congeler devront  tre inhum s
... tribunal de grande instance de Saumur, dans le Maine-et-Loire, a ordonn 
l'inhumation du couple Martinot, congel  dans une crypte du ch teau
familial, apprend-on appris de source judiciaire....
Found by: Yahoo! France Actualit s
 http://fr.news.yahoo.com/020313/85/2ig7u.html  |  70%  |  Translate

Verdict le 13 mars dans l'affaire du m decin congel 
SAUMUR, Maine-et-Loire (Reuters) - Le tribunal de grande instance de Saumur
a mis en d lib r  jusqu'au 13 mars le jugement dans le dossier du Dr Raymond
Martinot, aujourd'hui d c d , qui avait fait cryog niser le corps de son
 pouse morte il y a 18 ans et dont la pr fecture du Maine-et-Loire s'oppose
  ce qu'il soit congel    son tour. La justice a  t  saisie par la
pr fecture, qui demande   R my Martinot d'inhumer ses parents congel s dans
une crypte du ch teau familial en arguant que le code civil ne reconna t que
l'inhumation ou la cr mation dans un d lai de six jours apr s un d c s.
Found by: Nomade Actualit /Presse

Saumur: le couple congel  Martinot-Leroy sera inhum 
*** Outed: Lawyer of the Prefecture: Christian Prioux ***
... de Saumur a autoris  mercredi la pr fecture du Maine-et-Loire   inhumer
le couple congel  Martinot-...
Found by: Yahoo! France Actualit s

Corps congel s : la justice planche (08.03)
Le tribunal de grande instance de Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) devait rendre
vendredi apr s-midi sa d cision pour obliger ou non un homme   faire
Found by: Le Nouvel Observateur Quotidien
 http://archquo.nouvelobs.com/cgi/idxlist  |  64%  |  Translate

Corps congel s: le jugement renvoy  au 13 mars
*** Outed: Prefect of Maine-et-Loire Jacques Bathelemy ***
... grande instance de Saumur a renvoy  vendredi au 13 mars le jugement dans
l'affaire du d funt Dr Martinot, qui avait fait congeler le corps de sa
compagne en 1984, et dont la pr fecture du Maine-et-...
Found by: Yahoo! France Actualit s

Verdict le 13 mars dans l'affaire du m decin congel 
... instance de Saumur a mis en d lib r  jusqu'au 13 mars le jugement dans
le dossier du Dr Raymond Martinot, aujourd'hui d c d , qui avait fait
cryog niser le corps de son  pouse morte il y a 18 ans...
Found by: Yahoo! France Actualit s

Corps congel s: le tribunal de Saumur se prononce vendredi
...L'affaire avait d fray  la chronique lorsqu'en 1984, le Dr Raymond
Martinot avait congel  le corps de sa compagne Monique, en esp rant que la
science ferait suffisamment...
Found by: Yahoo! France Actualit s

Sincerely, John de Rivaz:      http://www.deRivaz.com :
http://www.longevity-report.com : http://www.autopsychoice.com :

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