X-Message-Number: 22111
Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 16:54:00 -0700 (PDT)
From: Christine Gaspar <>
Subject: CSC library

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi everyone.

One of the projects I am currently working on, is developing a library for the 
Cryonics Society of Canada. For now, the materials will have to stay in my home,
and I will post a list of what materials I have to lend out to whoever is 

I realize that a physical, vs virtual library is not practical for those living 
outside of the Toronto area to gain access too. What I am requesting of all of 
you, though, is donations of reading materials you don't mind parting with. This
includes books, magazines, journals, video, etc.

I will gladly reimburse the cost of postage to anyone choosing to send me 
material. This might be worked out through paypal, or other virtual methods, or 
the old fashioned way of sending a money order in the mail. I will also buy 
materials which I consider of great value to this library.

I am hoping to cover a few themes, or categories of material. These are; 
cryonics (obviously), life extension, transhumanism, medicine / health care, 
science, and science fiction (with themes along the lines of what we represent).

I would greatly appreciate any assistance you may have. This might become an 
excellent educational resource for members, and potential members alike.
Christine Gaspar
President, Cryonics Society of Canada


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