X-Message-Number: 23103
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 11:15:12 -0800
From: James Swayze <>
Subject: Posted to Brights.net forum

Posted to http://www.the-brights.net new forum for member discussions.

[begin quoted matrial]

Dear Brights,

This new forum is an excellent idea and I have a special use for it for 
something that is long in need of discussion. Therefore I invite 
discussion of the need for Brights to align with the growing Life 
Extensionism movements that involve Transhumanism, Physical 
Immortalists, Extropianism and Cryonics. Most of the members of these 
groups, all of which greatly overlap, are Brights people. Most hold a 
non deist world view or if in the minority cases of being somewhat 
religious would for reasons of civil libertarianism hold a Brights view.

The rapid pace of technology and medicine are quickly posing the 
prospect of banishing aging and disease, and yes even most forms of 
death. Some of the most extreme but very possible aspects of 
technologies such as molecular manufacturing and nanomedicine promise 
continual cellular maintenance that would alleviate aging altogether and 
make it impossible for disease or toxins to injure one's body or take 
one's life.

Consider if each and every cell in your body is kept in pristine health, 
making allowances for cellular turnover but within that frame resetting 
so called biological apoptosis cell death clocks, it would be impossible 
to get a disease. It wouldn't matter what damage a toxin or pathogen 
proposed to do if such damage is repaired at a pace too rapid for 
harmful consequence.

Consider a bite from a venomous snake such as the two step two second 
nerve toxin of the black mamba. Nanobots would martial axon signals 
around synapse sites, as these in the normal action of the nerve toxin 
are blocked, and likewise at the same time clear the toxin from the 
receptor sites that would otherwise have been blocked and caused shut 
down of breathing resulting in loss of life. Likewise when a pathogen 
invades medical nanobots would track it down and destroy it and repair 
any cells damaged.

However, this would not protect one from dying from things such as an 
explosion as the medical nano robots residing within our bodies, as they 
are envisioned, could not keep up with that pace of cellular 
destruction. Still this prospect does lend itself to extremely long life 
spans possible as the odds for most people to be in an explosion are 
rather remote.

Such odds will become ever more remote as more people begin to 
appreciate life greater realizing there is so much ahead of one to lose 
through foolishness of war and terrorism or petty violence. If one can 
expect to live a thousand or even ten thousand years, no longer tied to 
the biblical "three score and ten", I would think one would take care 
not to involve oneself and one's children in the foolishness of violence.

There is more to how the future will become less violent and some if it 
has to do with society becoming much more transparent. This is so 
because as computers become ever more smaller and combined with audio 
visual recording devices as we now see with cell phones, PDA's, etc., 
soon all these devices will be so small as to make better sense to 
implant them within us. The question then begs asking "who watches the 
watchers?". Well, we all do or would. Laws now on the books for 
disallowing one to image a government or corporate video surveillance 
would necessarily need to be removed because it would be pointless to 
ask people not to look because now one's eyes, in effect, are the video 
camera and one's augmented cybernetic enhanced brain is the recording 

In this situation it becomes impossible to get away with personal 
violence as these augmented brains will be live connected to the net and 
any violence perpetrated to ones person broadcast live letting the whole 
world know who the attacker is. There is more to this even such as DNA 
sniffers that positively identify anyone one comes in contact with and 
so aids the prophylactic affect of transparent surveillance by all for 
all to prevent person to person premeditated violence. Crimes of passion 
may still occur but there's an answer for that too.

I'll leave that and so much more open for discussion. My hope is that my 
fellow Brights here will see the advantage of life extending science and 
so embrace the wonderful and near, so very near, future we can all make 
for each other. All non deists should unite and embrace our own 
scientific rational form of making life and our world a nearly never 
ending paradise.


[end quoted material]


Cryonics Institute of Michigan 	http://www.cryonics.org
The Immortalist Society 	http://www.cryonics.org/info.html
The Society for Venturism 	http://www.venturist.org
Immortality Institute 		http://www.imminst.org

MY WEBSITE: http://www.davidpascal.com/swayze/

Signature Memetic Virus--The worst enemy of those who now or will need medical 
care is the uninformed politician or moral fanatic who proscribe what doctors 
are allowed to prescribe and research, with the consent of their patients. Those
who understand this are strongly encouraged to modify this to fit their 
personality, and add this to their signature file, and organize to recover our 
freedom from Big Brother. For those who wait until they are sick, it will be too
late. Those who suffer from diseases which might have been cured by advanced 
medical research or schedule 1 drugs banned by Big Brother, have the right to 
hold accountable those who sat on their hands or worse, deferred their 
responsibility for personal and humanity's survival to unseen mystical agents, 
while they remained ill and dying.

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