X-Message-Number: 23494
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 09:53:03 -0800
From: "John Grigg" <>
Subject: the nightmarish hell of regular exercise 

Randolfe Wicker wrote:
On the friskier subject about Tim Freeman's observation that cryonicists 
"exercise less then you might expect", my response as a creature 
of the mind and sometimes militant couch potato, is that most exercise 
is a morbidly boring and exhausting waste of precious time.

Randolfe, if you regularly exercised (and didn't overdo things) you would 
actually enhance your abilities as a creature of the mind.  And it will only be 
morbidly boring if you make it that way.

I remember a newspaper interview with a cryonicist who was said to have devoured
a fat-filled cheeseburger in front of an incredulous reporter.  The journalist 
asked why a man who wanted to live a long time or even forever would abuse his 
body by eating such foods.  The reply was that with a cryonics sign-up, you can 
eat what you want and not be so worried about it.  I suppose some cryonicists 
would agree with that, while others would shake their heads in dismay.  

you continue:
I'd much rather be sitting here chatting on cryonet than I would 
want to be out jogging like all those other fools I see running 
around on the waterfront and in the parks.

All those fools out there may have the last laugh!  Since jogging can be rough 
on the joints, why not take a brisk walk for thirty minutes a day, while you 
listen to a book on tape?  That way both body and mind are occupied.

you continue:
If Hell really exists, I'm convinced it will turn out to be one 
big exercise gym or an endless marathon run.  Yuk! 

If Hell turns out to be personalized than for you it will be.  For another 
person it will be working in an office all the time without stop.  Or having to 
live for an eternity with an upleasant mother-inlaw as a roommate.

My father was drafted into the army during the Korean war.  He didn't care for 
boot camp much, though he was athletically inclined.  Ironically, it seems to me
a number of exmilitary people I know who went through the bootcamp & 
postbootcamp p.t. training are among the most out of shape people I know.  But 
that is more the older generation and not the younger.

you continue:
All those vitamins, supplements and low fat foods might not keep 
me going quite as long without exercise as they would with exercise. 
 However, an hour or two a day (travel time to gym, etc as well 
as exercise time) amounts to 10 or 15% of one's awake time each 
day.  Do the math and you'll see that even if you die a few years 
earlier, in the long run you come out ahead in time well lived if 
you don't torture yourself with exercise.

You don't have to go to a gym to work out.  There are plenty of exercises you 
can do as long as you have handy, A. your body, B. an exercise mat.  So you have
no excuses now.

Time to begin the torture!

best wishes,

John : )

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