X-Message-Number: 23587
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 07:41:14 EST
Subject: John Henry Williams speculation/fact re: insurance

Hello, Dear Cryoneters,

This is Rudi Hoffman from Port Orange, FL.

I read with concern and shock that John Henry Williams "died" (?) of blood 
cancer a few days ago.  

To respond to speculations on Cryonet and news sources re: "Is John Henry at 
ALCOR?" I have this factual information to add.

I made considerable effort to contact John Henry when the Ted Williams 

controversy was in full swing, to try and sell him some affordable cryonics life
insurance.  (No pun intended on "Swing".)

The upshot of this was a contact with his attorney who allegedly conveyed my 
offer to John Henry.  Unfortunately, perhaps, John Henry either refused my 
offer or did not get the message from his attorney.  Although his attorney was 
quite cordial, so it is reasonable to believe he put my message through.  

However, the full picture has now expanded, with the outcome of John Henry's 
leukemia.  If JHW did indeed HAVE leukemia for several years, or even many 

years, he would have been uninsurable.  Given the normal progression time of the
disease as I understand it, this is a reasonable speculation.  If he was 
trying to keep this fact quiet, he would have known that trying to get life 

insurance would be unworkable, and this factor may have influenced him to not 

(Lurkers and those without their financing for cryonics in place, PLEASE take 
note that people can become uninsurable in their thirties...the time to get 
your life insurance is when you DON'T need it!)

This luekemia is even a possible factor in how TED was motivated to sign up 
in the first place.

Anyway, I TRULY hope John Henry WAS able to make arrangements at ALCOR.  It 
is my understanding that he was making very little money in the minor league 

professional baseball capacity he was engaged in, and money is a definite factor
in handling one's cryonics arrangements.

Does anyone know, and have the authority/guts to provide "Hard data" about 
John Henry Williams and ALCOR?  This could be a chance to turn some bad Public 
Relations into golden and positive public relations.

Kind, Professional Regards to all, Yours for Centuries,

Rudi Hoffman CFP CLU
cc to Jennifer Chapman, membership director at ALCOR

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