X-Message-Number: 24642
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: What is a good life
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 19:48:09 -0700

In =response to some discussion on Cryonet I offer the following:

Plato, and many others, tried to figure out what is a good life for a person to 
live.  I don't have the complete answer but I know that an eternal life (with 
other good things in it) would be better than a limited life - all other things 
being equal and assuming it is not a life of too much pain and suffering.

At present there is no guarantee that we can achieve that good eternal life so 
the next best thing would be to live trying to achieve that good eternal life.
In fact it is in living one's life and trying to achieve the good things that
the very best life is had.

We can do that now.

We can do everything within our power to try to achieve the good eternal life.  
That means, perhaps, moving to where the cryonics movement is and doing other 
things to try to achieve the eternal life. (sign up, be careful, stay healthy, 
etc.)   Of course it is worth the effort.  A person who spent his life (If it 
turns out we can not achieve immortality) trying to achieve immortality has had 
a higher quality life than one who realized the value of eternal life but did 
not have the courage and will-power to try for it.

I submit that cryonicists and Immortalists are living the highest quality good 
life presently available.

David Pizer

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