X-Message-Number: 25296
From: "Valera Retyunin" <>
Subject: To Scott Badger, Re: Identity
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2004 03:40:46 +0300

>Valera: First, you cannot have two QEs because YOU are your QE (it's just
>another word for YOU).

>Scott: I see no self-evident reason for this.

I don't think it needs any reason since it's a definition. I like it because
that's how I perceive myself. I am the experiencer, even if the experiencer
and experience are in fact the same, as Robert insists.

>Scott: If part of your QE system is damaged your conscious mind will likely
>be diminished. If we add to your QE system it would stand to reason that
>your conscious mind would expand.

I agree.

>Or do you propose that a QE is defined only by a system with contiguous
>neurons and that adding to the system in some other location in the brain
>would not result in enhancement but only duplication.

I agree, some additions may result in enhancement. At least I hope so.

>Please understand. First, I don t believe that a copy or a duplicate of me
>is really me. I do think it may be possible to upload using a gradual
>process that maintains continuity.

I now understand. I hope all proponents of uploading do (or will come to)
share this view. I must admit my opinion about uploading has formed based on
Cryonet postings and (very) few publications on other cryonics sites. I
simply have the impression that what most people mean by uploading is in
effect duplication. And the word itself implies just that.

>Secondly, I have no desire to get rid of the sense of
>self I currently possess. I m just saying that if our
>minds grow and expand as I think they will, our future
>selves may be analogous to what the waking mind is to
>the dreaming mind. And most people shed their dream
>self almost every morning shortly after waking up.

Well, this sounds fascinating. I too hope such expansion will be possible

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