X-Message-Number: 26916
Date: Fri, 2 Sep 2005 10:00:50 EDT
Subject: Uploading technology (1.vii.1) Channel diversity (3 fast chemical). 

Uploading technology (1.vii.1) Channel diversity (3 fast  chemical).

These receptors act with a time constant near 2.7 ms.  Some are excitatory, 
that is, depolarising, other are inhibitory or  hyperpolarising. There are two 
receptor famillies, based on biochemical  similarities :
1 / The firsts include the nicotinic (reacting to the tobaco  nicotine 

alcaloid) acethylcholine recedptors, the nAChR for short, the gamma  
acid receptors of the A kind (GABA-A),  the Glycine receptor  (GlyR) and some 
serotonin receptors.
2 / The second familly include the excitatory glutamate receptors  (GluR).

Serotonin and ACh are cation sensitive they have a  permeability to Na+, K+ 
or Ca++.
On the anion side, Cl-, there is Gly and  GABA-A.

In the human species, there are 2 Gly receptors and 9  GABA-A for anions.
On the cation side, There is one serotonin and 6  ACh.

Each channel is built from 5 sub-units, for example ACh  contains a mixing of 
two sub-unit kind : alpha and beta, there are 9 alpha  variants and 3 beta. 
Depending on the composition, there may be hundreds of  different channels. 
Some open or close more or less rapidly, they have different  conductivity, 

different refractory time, and so on. For example the serotonin  channel is ten

time slower than the run of the mill ACh model, it has a  permeability to both,

Na+ and K+, that is, it first depolarise with Na+ and then  repolarise with K+.
Its refractory time is particularly long: From one to five  seconds. If there 
is a set of rapid action potentials, it will react only to the  first, the 
others falls in the refractory time.

The refractory  time, depending on the sub-unit composition, may be anywhere 
between 100 ms and  20 seconds. 8 values, that is 3 bits could be necessary to 
cover raisonably that  range.

Conductivity can goes from 5 to 50 pico Sievers. Four values  could be useful 
(2 bits).
The Ca++/Na+ permeability ratio may be from one to  twenty. This is a 
sensitive parameter, it may need 8 values (3 bits) in the  model.

The GABA-A is build too from 5 sub-units: alpha, beta,  gamma, delta and 
epsillon. The retina has its own sub-unit: rho. There are 6  alpha, 4 beta, 4 

gamma and 2 rho. The most common receptor is built from: Two  alpha-1, two 
and one gamma-2.

Gly receptor: 5 sub-units in  the receptor, always 3 alpha and 2 beta. there 
are 4 alpha variants and 2  beta.

ATP: Two receptor sub-types: P2X and P2Z.
P2X   produce a fast depolarisation and is not selective, any cation can pass 
P2Z is even less selective, it let a free passage to both, cations and  

In a given neuron, some subtype can be expressed and not  others, beyond 

that, the way they assemble is largely a random process.  In  a synapse, there 
be something as 1,000 channels, so the produced current is  largely a 

statistical admixture of the individual channel activity. A similar  global 
can be produced with a  more reduced set. The problem of the  simulated 

electronics synapse is that it must be able to reproduce the activity  of any 
It must so have a complete set of possibilities even if these  possibilities 
are mutualy exclusive in a given biological  synapse.

The second familly contains mostly glutamate receptors. 17  Glu receptors are 
known in the human species. They may be broken into 5 NMDA  
(N-Methyl-D-Aspartate) sensitive and 12 "others".

Glutamate  receptor are the main excitatory channels found in the synapses. 
NMDA ones are  tension sensitive, that is they open only if there is a 

glutamate molecule and a  simultaneous depolarisation. This depolarisation could
from nearby firing  synapses or a back propagating action potential from the 
preceeding neuron  firing. They are desentisized by Ca++, that is, by the ion 
they let enter in the  cell, this is an auto-inhibitory property. Each channel 
has two active  receptors. There are 8 kinds of the first receptor and four of 
the second. When  these receptors are mixed in the same channel, the ionic 

conductivity is booster  by a factor between 5 to 60, depending on the R1 and R2
kind involved. A  simulation would so take into account the tension threshold 
of activation, the  desensitivation (1 to 4, 2 bits) and the 1 to 64 ( 6 
bits) condictivity  range.

Non-NMDA receptors are  not a single group, the first  lot, GluR1 to GluR4 

has 4 members, each with two mRNA splicing varieties called  "flip" and "flop",
flop desensitize more than "flip". The steady state activity  of a synapse, 
and so of a neuron, may rests on the relative proportion of "flip"  and "flop" 
variants. The other are poorly defined and may have different  evolutionary 

origins. For example, there are two receptors reacting to kainate,  one of them
seems unable to produce a working channel. This diversity may come  from the 
necessity for pyramidal cells to react selectively in one way or  another 
depending the origin of the message. One dendritic tree could use mostly  one 

receptor with a given current profile and desensitization time and another  tree

from the same neuron would use another receptor. When these signals mixe at  the
soma, different reaction could be produced depending on the dendrite  bringing 
the signal. In a simulation, the Glu current must have a 5 bits tag  telling 
about the receptor having produced it. The 32 tag possibilities take  into 

account one value for NMDA receptors and 31 possibilities for the poorly  
non-NMDA channels.

There is a note of caution about the tag  lenghts : The above value are good 
for the human species only, rodens for  example have other receptors with 
specific properties. A neuromorphic chip for  brain uploading may be used for 

both, a small portion of the human brain or a  full or larger portion of a roden
brain. It seems better to test the technology  first on a 15 g brain rather 

than a 1.5 kg one. Producing different chips for  these two possibilities would
not be a good economical choice. So the  neuromorphic electronics neuron must 
be species independent.

Yvan  Bozzonetti.

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