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From ig2!att!glas.apc.org!binran Tue Jul 12 09:59:31 1994 remote from whscad1
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 17:58 +0400
From:  (Vladimir Razzhivin)


                    by M.V. SOLOVIOV

               ST.PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, 1990



        A  new  conceptual  approach  (called  Artificial
Metempsychosis) for investigations  carried  out  on  the
border between psychology and artificial intelligence  is
introduced.  Kernel  of  this  approach  is  transmitting
particular  features  of  a  concrete  personality   into
computer. Methodology for this approach is discussed.

        1. Basic conceptions

        Artificial Metempsychosis (AM)  is  a  conception
similar to Artificial Intelligence (AI). The both AM  and
AI explorate the  human  intelligence  to  incarnate  its
essential  features  in  machine.  The  main   difference
between them is that AI deals with the common features of
the intelligence, but AM deals with the particular  ones.
It's important to  have  a  try  to  explore  namely  the
particular features  as  (1)  there  are  no  appreciable
results  from  AI  studies   toward   understanding   and
realization of the human intelligence;  (2)  AM  realizes
approach which is complementary to the  AI  -  a  try  to
resolve the problem from the opposite end - understanding
how a concrete  person  decides  a  concrete  task  could
sooner lead toward understanding what is the  essence  of
intelligence than attemting to recover common  principles
of task solving by humans.
        Author  assumes  that  in  exploration   of   the
particular in the human intelligence  the  main  research
method has to  be  computer  simulation  with  correction
feedback from a person to be  tested.  Because  (1)  it's
very  probably  that  there  is  no  other  way   besides
simulation for a behavior prediction of such  the  system
as personality because of its very high  complexity;  (2)
simulation gives us the best understanding of  a  problem
because at simulation we are forced to detail  (analysis)
a problem (system) - so we can  better  understand  every
its element (that's simpler than all the system to do)  -
and then we must reconstruct (synthesis) the system -  it
gives us better understanding of system organization; (3)
simulation allows us to use  computer  as  a  mirror  for
personality  reflection  with  means  to   correct   this
reflection. Before simulation  start  it  is  nessary  to
create a model and  before  this  -  to  get  data  about
personality structure from a tested person. Resuming,  AM
investigations should  consist  from  three  stages:  (1)
getting data about personality structure; (2) creating  a
computer model of  personality;  (3)  correction  of  the
model by feedback from a simulated person.
        Note, it is essential that the AM has to simulate
the integral personality opposite to  AI  models  usually
deals with separate features of personality. But  because
of insufficient development in  computer  technology  and
psychological  investigation  AM  takes  not  the  intact
personality, but the personality with partial senso-motor
deprivation, called the reduced personality. The possible
levels of personality reduction are shown  in  the  table
Level  Accessible Expierience  Possible Realization
 0    Introspective            Personal...Super Computer
 1    + Speech                 + Speech Processing Device
 2    + Visual                 + Image Processing Device
 3    + Manipulative           + Manipulator
 4    + Motive                 + Mobility
 5    All human expierence     Mobil Integral Robot
Level 0 is called "minimal personality".

        From the written above it is  possible  to  point
out that AI approaches lay in the  bounds  of  so  called
"computer  metaphor".   For   better   understanding   AI
approaches  extracts  about  computer  metaphor  and  its
connection with introspection are cited below.
        "Computer metaphor - it is  the  analogy  between
cognitive  processes  and   information   processing   in
universal computation machine."  (Velichkovsky,  Kapitsa,
1987). "That which this metaphor has  to  reflect  -  the
central nervous system and its  functions  is  biological
large system. That which this metephor uses as an image -
computer,   computational   processes,   data   base   is
techogenic large system.  Metaphorization  as  itself  is
dinamical, creative and long-term activity on  comparing,
fitting  and  estimating  of  our  ramified  and  precise
knowledge about tecnological  information  processing  to
biological processes. Any  intermediate  result  of  this
activity may be (and as a  rule  will  be)  refused.  But
during  this  activity  the  new  knowledge   is   slowly
crystallizing." "Ideology of this short essay is  linking
introspection and computer metaphor. Introspection is our
sole direct evidence about  only  available  cosciousness
for us - our own one; computer metaphor is sole source of
really complex and dynamic conceptual models of  psychics
which are able for self-development and, in  future,  for
comparsion  with  neurophysiological  data.  Using   this
analogy we don't try to answer the qwestion "what is  the
consciousness?" , but we only try to recover its features
which are to be essential." (Manin, 1987).

        2. Getting data about personality

        It is possible to get data about personality in 3
main ways: (1) introspection; (2)  self-description;  (3)
personal and intelligence testing. As for the  third  way
it can be wholly standart (using such test  as  MMPI,  IQ
etc.), for the first and second ways there  may  be  some
problems discussed in short below.

        2.1. Introspection

        2.1.1. Indefinity principle

        Mainly introspection should be  used  to  recover
"physical" (e.g. size) and semantics (e.g. time sequence)
characterisrics of visual and verbal patterns  developing
in a person brain as a result of its mental processes  in
order to understand mechanisms underlying  them.  Usually
it is used the psychotechnics to investigate  personality
by introspection. But it is not the best way  because  it
requires  to  teach  self-tested  persons  and  hense  it
changes their thinking. In common case (1) any attempt to
concentrate yourself  on  your  internal  world  distorts
considerably  development  of  its  processes   and   (2)
concentrating on some selected internal world process you
miss the others - it resembles the  indefinity  principle
in physics.
        Preliminary author's  experiments   were  carried
out in such way: concentrating (with closed eyes  and  in
silence) on  his  own  internal  world  for  few  minutes
followed by reconstruction of remembered internal  events
(consisted from visual pattern and word chains). For more
precise recovering of internal world processes many  such
the introcpective seances should be  carried  out  for  a
long period of time. So new  and  new  features  will  be
        Also to recover the introspective  expierence  it
is possible to  use  qwestionnaires  (Gostev,  1986)  and
pharmacological  drugs  (Spivak,  1986).  But  of  course
indefinity principle is also valid there.

        2.1.2. Gestalt-logic dichotomy

        This dichotomy begins  from  perception.  In  the
theory of image recognition (Gleser, 1985) a visual image
is analysed and recognized structurally  (logically)  and
statistically  (holistically).   Another   dichotomy   is
vision-hearing  (hearing  -  as  speech  perception   and
analysis).  Furthermore  the  thinking  is   devided   to
imagical and logical. And "explanation" of  the  thinking
to  the  consciousness  (i.e.  introspective   expierence
appeared  as  a  necessity  to  explain  self  to   other
inividuals (Piaget, 1950)) also consisits from verbal and
visual components. So it can see  the  dichotomy  at  all
levels of  human  information  processing:  perception  -
thinking (subconsciousness) - explanation (consciousness,
introspective  expierience).  Here   author   holds   the
hypothesis that all processes of thinking are located  in
the subconsiousness  and  the  consciousness  is  only  a
result of explanation  mechanism  working,  and  feedback
influence of the consciousness to the subconsciousness is
an illusion of introspective expierience.
        In  other  hand   parapsychological   experiments
(thought reading) demonstrate that  a  thought  could  be
read irrelative of its representation (visual or  verbal)
and language used. This says that the deep mechanisms  of
knowledge  reperesentation  and   processing   in   human
psychics are essentially homogenous hence as a  structure
for knowledge reperesentation in  computer  model  it  is
worth  to  use  homogenouse  sructures,   e.g.   semantic
networks. In semantic  networks  gestalt-logic  dichotomy
could  be  reflected  in   some   kind   of   conjunctive
connections. On author's  mind  this  dichotomy  reflects
only the difference in genesis (speech/vision perception,
logical/associative thinking) of the  identical  concepts
(i.e. it is the homological concepts to be conjugated).
        Another open question is  discretability  of  the
consciosness flow. Perception  is  essentially  discrete,
but  could  the  internal  world  flow  be  divided  into
separate "shots"?  Related  to  this  the  next  computer
metaphor could have interest: gestalt thinking is  anolog
process, and logical one is discrete, "digital"  process.
Using this metaphor Nalimov's hypothesis (Nalimov,  1974)
about  continual  consciosness  flows  (thinking  of   an
individual person is a part of such the united flows) and
about translation of them  by  logic  (verbal,  discrete)
thinking could  be  interpreted  in  the  next  way:  the
structure of brain processes  (e.g.  dynamics  of  neural
electromagnetic fields) is isomorphic to the structure of
the matter in its deep levels  (e.g.  superstrings),  and
because of it the  brain  processes  at  low  energetical
expenditures can change this deep structure of the matter
(this phenomenon might be called psychic catalysis  -  an
analogy with  biochemical catalysis).  In  such  the  way
various paraphenomena could be explained. In other  words
an analog  part  of  brain  supercomputer   is  used  for
interaction  (perception,  processing,  generation)  with
continual consciousness  flows,  and  its  discrete  part
(they may be structurally identical - the same  structure
(or process)  can  take  part  in  the  both  analog  and
discrete computations)  is  used  for  interpretation  of
these processes,  for  supporting  communication  between
persons,  for  providing  processes  which  have  to   be
independent  from  continual  consciousness  flows,   for
processing information represented in in discrete form.

        2.2. Self-description

        Below several concepts are introduced:
(1) personality description:  information, using which it
is possible to recreate personality; this information can
be  divided  to two  components:  structural  or  passive
(memory  about  expierience)  and  functional  or  active
(mechanisms, basing on perception and memory, to organize
personality behaviour);
(2) personality reconstruction: recreating of personality
using its description;
(3)  knowledges  about  personality  (in  the  sense   of
knowledge representation): ordered passive  component  of
personality description;  information  about  personality
could  be   got   in   amorphous   representation   (e.g.
autobiography)  or  in  predefined  scheme  (based  on  a
hypothesis on memory organization) - as filling slots  in
a frame or answering qwestionnaire;
(4) inference mechanism: active component of  personality
description; inference  mechanism  is  strongly  depended
upon memory organization;
(5) personality verification:  correspondence  evaluating
between reconstructed personality and its prototype. (The
next brain experiments could be accounted as an  evidence
of high dynamics  of  pesonality  and  fuzziness  of  its
borders: "Try to evaluate how you is similar to that  man
you was 5, 10, 15,  20  years  ago.  Greater  than  50%?.
What'll remain from your present self after 10, 20 years?
What  could  happen  if  you  were  duplicated  and   two
identical copies were placed in different environments? -
After some time would these  copies  be  quite  different
personalities or very similar ones? Could you be yourself
(keeping your self) if you lost (e.g. in  accident)  half
(75%, 90%) of your memory, your motor  skills?  Where  is
the  border  separated   self   from   not-self?"   These
experiments illustrate  the  hypothesis:  personality  is
defined by some kernel  (regions  of  memory,  individual
features of inference mechanisms), and personality  parts
outside  this  kernel  can  greatly  vary   -   and   for
personality reconstruction it is necessary to render this
kernel correctly (one of the AM goals is  an  attempt  to
recover this kernel).
        On author's mind, personality  description  could
be got by immediate way: reading it directly  from  brain
using methods  of  biocontrol,  thermovision,  tomography
(Ivanov-Muromskiy, 1983) or future  achievements  in  the
nanotechnology, but for today  it  is  rather  fantastic.
Another way is getting this information by indirect  way,
for  example:  methods  based  on  neuropharmacology   or
parapsychology, working out  methods  based  on  integral
aura registration at the moment of death, transmission of
sacred  texts  in  the  Indian  culture  by   personality
transferring from a teacher to  its  student  (Sementsov,
1988).  There  is  proposed  indirect,  psychology  based
methods using combination of the next approaches:
(1) amorphous - account  information  about  yourself  by
non-structural way; for example, diary,  autobiographical
novel or film;
(2) structural  -  self-description  by  filling  special
(3) test - testing by test batteries (questionnaires)  to
recover personality structure and inference mechanisms;
(4)  introspective  -   reconstruction   of   personality
structure   based   on   description   of   introspective
(5) simulation - updating information  about  personality
by simulation with feedback from tested person.

         3. Computer model of personality

         3.1. Personality conceptualization

        It's possible  to  represent  personality  to  be
consisted from two components: personality structure  and
inference  mechanisms  working   over   it.   Personality
structure could be described by  a  semantic  net.  There
would be the next inference mechanisms:
(1) simple  mechanisms  for  working  with  large  memory
(specimen search, association  etc.)  to  realize  memory
based reasoning (Waltz, 1987);
(2)   production   mechanisms   to   realize   heuristics
(3) mechanisms to realize analogy based reasoning (Waltz,
1987, Lenat, 1984);
(4) mechanisms to realize simulation based reasoning;
(5) metamechanisms to control concurrent  work  of  other
And in addition to  the long-term  memory  (semantic net)
there should be a short-term or working memory.

        3.2. A model for neuronet computation

        First  of all, a  model  for neuronet computation
should   reflect   basic   known  facts  about  neocortex
(1)  computer  neocortex  consists  from   10,000-100,000
modules  connected  "each  with  each"  (Nth  module   is
connected with Mth by a different number - it is  defined
by commutative channel scheme for neocortex modules);
(2) each module is an  elementary  processing  unit  with
1000-10,000 inputs and outputs and consists from  upto  a
million nodes;
(3) each node gets 2 inputs from other nodes (from which,
it  is defined  by commutation sceme for  module  nodes),
posesses a small piece of memory, and performs  a  number
of  simple  operations:  logical,   ariphmetical,   table
transformations, memory read/write.
        Also a model should allow  to embed  the semantic
net  into  the  neural  net  and  to realize mechanism of
knowledge activation.
        And of course,  a model  should allow  to realize
concepts of brain functioning at high levels.
        This model could be properly realized by  digital
(or combined digital-analog) optical processors  disigned
currently at many laboratories around the world.

        4. Conceptual scheme for feedback simulation of
           minimal personality

        In first, it is necessary to create  a  model  of
minimal personality (prototype model).  Creation  process
should include the next stage:
(1) generation of hypothesis about personality  structure
and inference mechanisms;
(2) creation a computer model for neural net computation;
(3) computer realization hypothesis (1) by model (2)  and
designing of proper user interface.
       In  second,  computer  program  for   recover   of
personality  structure   and   individual   features   of
inference mechanisms by varios tests should be worked out
- work of such the program will be  resulted  in  filling
the  prototype  model  by  contents   of   the   concrete
personality (generation of animated model).
       And in third, the feedback simulation  system  for
on-line correction the animated model by a tested  person
and  experimenter-mediated correction  of  the  prototype
model should be created.


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