X-Message-Number: 30525
From: "John de Rivaz" <>
Subject: brain in a petri dish 
Date: Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:01:28 -0000

Florida scientists have grown a brain in a petri dish and taught it to fly a 
fighter plane.

Scientists at the university of Florida taught the 'brain', which was grown from
25,000 neural cells extracted from a rat embryo, to pilot an F-22 jet 
simulator. It was taught to control the flight path, even in mock 
hurricane-strength winds.

more on


This is being done in Florida.

I wonder whether it would be worthwhile from a PR point of view even if not 
strictly scientific from a human cryopreservation POV, to get some of these 
"brains" and devise a cryopreservation protocol that demonstrates that they 
still work after rewarming. 

If they are to be used in spacecraft maybe NASA will do it anyway, because the 
energy consumption in keeping them warm whilst coasting all the way to Jupiter 
in order to do manoeuvres there could be prohibitive.

Sincerely, John de Rivaz:  http://John.deRivaz.com for websites including
Cryonics Europe, Longevity Report, The Venturists, Porthtowan, Alec Harley
Reeves - inventor, Arthur Bowker - potter, de Rivaz genealogy,  Nomad .. and

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