X-Message-Number: 4146
Date:  Tue, 04 Apr 95 04:48:38 
From: mike <>
Subject: SCI.CRYONICS Goedel

This is a comment on Bob Ettinger's posting #4135, relating to Goedel's 
incompleteness results, and more specifically, his contention that "the 
incompleteness theorems are phony."

First, it is worth remarking that this may not seem much  related to cryonics, 
perhaps it has some relevance. Some people, e.g. Roger Penrose, have used 
the Goedel results as an argument against strong AI, in that there are 
(supposedly) things that are knowable to a human that are unknowable to a 
device that operates via a known set of rules, i.e., a machine. In cryonics, 
however, we say that essentially the human organism *is* a machine of a 
certain type and can be repaired from the frozen state as such, and made to 
functon again. It seems farfetched to me that Goedel's incompleteness result 
will ever pose an insurmountable barrier to the resusciation of cryonics 
patients, yet I suppose some people will worry over this issue, since they 
worry over every other conceivable obstacle to cryonics. (In fact many people 

act as if it is very important that they *find* objections to cryonics, so they
can more easily dismiss it.)

Anyway, to go on to the main issues, we recall that Goedel's principal results 
had to do with properties of certain formal mathematical systems, the kind in 
which results are expressed in the form of theorems that are proved. More 
specifically, the kind of mathematical systems Goedel dealt with were the 
comprehensive sort that can express all of ordinary mathematics including 
such topics as the arithmetic of whole or decimal numbers, Euclidean 
geometry, algebra, and the various mathematical constructs that are used in 
physics. It's great to have a comprehensive, more-or-less all-inclusive system 
of this sort, in which so many different results can be expressed. You are 
pushing toward a mathematician's Theory of Everything. But, there is a big 
danger with pushing too far. That is, your theory, whatever it is, must be 
based on starting assumptions or axioms that cannot be proved but must be 
accepted on faith. More or less, the more comprehensive or powerful you 
want your theory to be, the more axioms you have to assume. If you assume 
too many or too much, however, you find that, following one train of 
reasoning, you can prove some proposition P, whereas with some other 
approach you prove not-P, i.e. your system is inconsistent. A basic principle 
of logic, which essentially all useful mathematical systems incorporate, is "P 
implies that not-P implies Q" where Q is any other proposition whatever. In 
other words, in an inconsistent, formal system, any proposition that can be 
stated in the system becomes provable, which reduces everything to triviality. 
For a system to be useful, then, it is very important that it be consistent. 

Something of the seriousness of this problem can be gathered by considering 
a little mathematical history. In the 19th century there was great interest in 
putting mathematics on a firm logical footing, which involved finding simple 
underlying principles from which it was hoped that all or a very large part of 
mathematics could be derived. One of the pioneers of this effort was the 
logician Gottlob Frege (1848-1925). Frege (pronounced FRAY-guh) worked 
for 20 years to construct, in essence, the first comprehensive mathematical 
system, a near Theory of Everything. It was all based on a few relatively 
simple concepts, a very important one being the notion of set. More or less, 
almost everything in mathematics can be defined as some sort of set. For 
example, one definition of the number one is "the set of all singletons" where 

a singleton is a set having just one member or element. (This is not a circular
definition, because "x has one member" means "there exists y such that y is a 

member of x, and for all z, if z is a member of x then z=y"; i.e. x's having one
member can be defined without already having a definition of "one.") To 
make your theory as comprehensive and powerful as possible, then, it is 
desirable to have as many different sets as possible. Frege boldly rushed in 

and, in his theory, essentially allowed a set to be associated to every 
mathematical property whatever. However, this led to inconsistency. 

Consider "the set of all sets that are not members of themselves."  This set is
a member of itself if and only if it is not a member of itself. Frege's system 
was inconsistent, and as it stood, mathematically worthless, a magnificent 
airplane that wouldn't quite fly.

At this point we might raise the question, along the lines of Bob's posting, 
whether such a "set" is essentially meaningless. To me, however, it seems 
there is some meaning here. In general, many of the things I would think of as 
"sets" are not members of themselves. The set of prime numbers is not a 
prime number, for example. It seems reasonable, at first glance, that a set 
would either be a member of itself or not. And it seems reasonable, again at 
first glance, that I could form the collection of all those sets which do not 
happen to be members of themselves. "Collection" on the other hand, seems 
just another word for "set." Why not talk about the collection of all possible 
sets whatever? That very large collection (set), it would seem, contrary to 
many other sets, *is* required to be a member of itself. In any case, the 
existence of the inconsistency shows we are too general in what we allow to 
be a "set." Efforts at fixing the problem thus centered on how to restrict the 
notion of set, and still end up with essentially all of mathematics. Frege 
himself tried to devise such a fix, but his new system was again shown 
inconsistent. The first real success (we think) was had by Russell and 
Whitehead, whose system, Principia Mathematica or PM, was published in 3 
volumes, 1910-13. PM can derive essentially all of mathematics, but it is 
cumbersome. Later some other, simpler systems of mathematical logic were 
devised that better met the intended needs and have not yet been shown to be 

Just because they have not been *shown* to be inconsistent doesn't mean 
they are consistent, however. Mathematicians such as David Hilbert, early in 
this century, worried over this problem. What you'd really like to do is 
*prove* such a system is consistent. Then (maybe) you could quit worrying, 
or at least not worry as much. Ideally, you'd start with some system, say PM, 
and prove *within PM itself* that PM is consistent. This would avoid the 
problem that, if you had to use some more comprehensive system, say PM*, 
to prove PM is consistent, it would still leave open the question whether PM* 
is consistent. (If PM* were inconsistent, then, as noted above, anything you 
like would be provable within it, and consequently its theorems would be 
untrustworthy.) On the other hand, though, even if you did prove PM was 
consistent, within PM, it still wouldn't "really" show PM is consistent. The 
reason for this is that PM is comprehensive enough that "PM is consistent" is 
one of the statable propositions within PM. Thus if PM is inconsistent you 
can prove "PM is consistent." And this property holds with all the other 
comprehensive systems I referred to, that were devised as improvements of 
PM. Still, mathematicians agreed, it would be interesting if you *could* prove 
consistency, even if you couldn't quite trust the result.

Goedel showed, however, that *if PM is consistent*, it is impossible to prove 
that within PM. And this sort of proof carries over, straightforwardly, to the 
other logical systems I've referred to. Goedel's proof is closely related to 
another result, his incompleteness theorems. Within PM and related systems, 
there is a class of statements, the "closed well-formed formulas" or CWFFs, 

essentially just the statable propositions, expressed in a formal way, that is,

according to specified rules. An example is "for all x, there exists y such that
y is a member of x." This statement happens to be false, since if x is the 
empty set (a construct allowed in all these systems) there is no y that is a 
member of x. Let's call this statement S. Then not-S has the form "there 

exists x such that for all y, y is not a member of x." Not-S is true. In 
if S is a CWFF then either S or not-S is true. One important class of CWFFs 
is the *theorems,* which are statements obtainable by applying rules of 

inference to initial statements or axioms. Basically, every theorem is a *true*
CWFF, *provided your system is consistent.* This means that, if S is a 
theorem, then not-S is *not* a theorem--again, if your system is consistent. 
The system is said to be *complete* on the other hand, if, for any CWFF S, 
either S *or* not-S is a theorem. What this means, essentially, is that the 

complete logical system is able to decide the truth or falsity of all applicable
statements we can make within it.

If we had enough time, in fact, we could start with any CWFF S, and search 
exhaustively for proofs, of both S and not-S. PM and the other systems are 
constructed so that this process can be mechanized. In this way then, a 
computer must eventually find either a proof of S, which would establish that 
S is true within the system, or a proof of not-S. (Any such proof would be 

expressible as a finite string of symbols.) If it ever found a proof of S, on 
other hand, this would be a guarantee that it could *never* find a proof of 
not-S, and vice versa. All this would be the case, however, *only* if PM is 
*both* complete and consistent. If PM is consistent but not complete, for 
instance, there would be some CWFF S such that *neither* a proof of S nor 
of not-S could be obtained by exhaustively searching.

What Goedel showed was that, in fact, PM and related systems, *if 
consistent*, are all incomplete. He did this by constructing a statement S for 
which he could show that both S and not-S are unprovable. S has the form, 
roughly, of "This statement is not provable within PM" (with analogous 
statements for the other systems). Then, if S actually *is* provable, the 

contradiction leads to the inconsistency of PM, while if not-S is provable that
amounts to proving "This statement *is* provable within PM," which is again 
a contradiction and results in inconsistency. It is worth remarking that this 
result establishes the impossibility of proving the consistency of PM within 
PM. Such a proof would *prove* that neither S nor not-S is provable, for the 
reasons I've just outlined, and thus that S is true within the system, which 
would amount to a proof of S. Another point worth making is that Goedel's 
argument establishes that it is S, rather than not-S, that is true in PM. To 
establish this, however, it is clear we must use arguments *not* entirely 
formalizable within PM, or otherwise S would be a theorem. However, these 
extra arguments can all be reduced to the one property, that PM is consistent! 
This, really, is all the "extra" knowledge we need, other than what is 
contained in PM itself. Anyway, we can now consider what appears to be 
Bob's main gripe, that S is more-or-less meaningless, by virtue of self-
reference, etc.

My feeling is that S would seem more meaningful if we considered a closer 
approximation of the real statement S, rather than just our fuzzy English 
version. (See, for example, W. V. Quine's treatment in *Mathematical 
Logic,* Revised Ed.,  starting p. 307.) S is not simply "This statement is 
unprovable" but carefully and legitimately makes an assertion that a certain 
CWFF is not a theorem, in such a way that S itself *is* that very CWFF--a 
most remarkable achievement (especially given the cumbersome symbolism 
Goedel had to use in that pre-LISP era). To my thinking, it is meaningful to 
assert that any given CWFF is (or is not) a theorem, hence S itself is 
meaningful. A statement like, "This statement is false" does not seem so 

meaningful, because truth is not formalizable in the same sense as provability.
However, I think this is not really the most important issue. For a logical 
system like PM, we would really like to know whether some statements 
within the system are true but unprovable. The incompleteness results 

establish this, in the sense that there are undecidable propositions like S. An
objection might be raised that S is highly contrived and basically 
meaningless. However we have noted that another such proposition, whose 
undecidability follows from incompleteness, is the highly meaningful one, 
"the system is consistent." To my thinking, the incompleteness results 
deserve to be taken seriously.

Mike Perry

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