X-Message-Number: 4472
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 16:40:31 -0800
From:  (Carol Shaw)
Subject: Alcor North CA Cryonics Mtg. Sunday June 11

The next Alcor Northern California cryonics meeting will be held on Sunday,
June 11, 1995. All members and guests are welcome to attend.

The schedule is:

4:00 PM          Business meeting chaired by Russell Whitaker
around 6:00 PM   Potluck supper and socializing

Location:        Russell Whitaker's home, an Extropian Nexus
                 21090 Grenola Drive
                 Cupertino, California

Telephone:       408-388-7261

Directions:      Take Highway 85 to the Stevens Creek Blvd. exit (just
south of Highway 280). Go east on Stevens Creek. Turn left (north) on
Stelling. Take the third left on Hazelbrook. Take the first right on Flora
Vista. Take the second left on Grenola Drive.

Alcor Northern California meetings are held on the second Sunday of each month.

Carol Shaw


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