X-Message-Number: 4613
Date: 06 Jul 95 02:55:20 EDT
From: Mike Darwin <>
Subject: CI Research Critique and Responses

Fellow Cryonetters,

I have attempted to post my critique of CI's sheep brain ultrastructural studies
as well as Dr. Pichugin's responses to this critique.  Dr. Pichugin has been
very generous with his data and results, and we arereciprocating.  Bob Ettinger
of CI should already have a copy of some of our EMs (in the July 1995 CryoCare
Report) and the posted and written report which accompany them. More pictures
will be sent to both Bob and Dr. Pichugin as we get them scanned/printed. Dr.
Pichugin should have a large package of material from us in about a week.

While my report is critical of the CI results as reduplicated in Ukraine,  I
would emphasize several things:

1) There are many caveats about the work; simple changes in terms of post
freezing/thawing handling can have an enormous impact on outcome.

2) It is not possible given the current data to seperate out  damage due to
freezing from that incurred during rewarming, prep for EM, etc.

3) BPI had a very hard time getting good EMs out of  glycerolized tissue.  This
is quite an art; we finally got good pictures as a result of some clever post
fixation handling techniques.

Everyone on this list should be sophisticated enough to realize that this is not

an attack of any  kind.  Indeed, Dr. Pichugin is currently underway with work on
nonischemic sheep heads and viable brain slices using similar techniques.
Further, he has apparently demonstrated viable electrophysiology  in brain
slices following cryoprotection, freezing and thawing.

Obviously, much added research is needed.  We are happy to report such
comparatively good results with our protocol. I say comparatively good results:
much remains to be done, and the results (even though we believe them to be the
best so far) are far from ideal.

Mike Darwin
10743 Civic Center Drive
Rancho Cucamoga, CA 91730

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