X-Message-Number: 5713
Date: 07 Feb 96 15:45:49 EST
From: yvan Bozzonetti <>
Subject: SCI.CRYONICS:Hell

Think about an Universe without light, with temperature in the 100 000 billions
degres range, unable to cool down. This is hell and I hope we get to it.

Well you think, hell is not a reality, not something as hard as my computer
monitor for example, and if there was a real hell where would be located? The
answer is: Here!

The discovery comes from the Germain high energy laboratory DESY in Hambourg.
Smashing electrons against protons, they have found some color free object deep
inside protons. Color is the force with SU(3) symetry holding together quarks
and gluons inside protons and other hadrons (heavy particles). After much
theoretical calculations, it came indeed from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) a
predicted color- free state at high energy. So that QCD produces two color
free-states: One at low energy we call proton, neutron and so on and another in
the ultrarelativistic domain discovered at DESY.

The new state  is locked at a very precise place inside what we see as particles
so, from quantum mechanics its mean impulsion is very high, ie: its temperature

is very large. Be heavy, that state can't travel far away before it disintegrate
and that short time uncertainety produces a large energy one, another way to
look at hot temperature. This is hell, not a separate world or Universe, simply

the relativistic view of our world. At these energy, electromagnetism break down
and quantum electrodynamics with U(1) symetry turns to electroweak field with
SU(2) group. That is why there is no light in hell.

Now, hell has a big advantage: it contains no self contradicting law as our
"real" world has. Think for example about distance mesurement: You are at a
point A and want to know the distance from A to a nearby point B. All mesuring
experiments can be reduced at a radar test: Send from A at time t1 a wave

towards B. At some undefined time, B reflects the wave received on A at time t2.
In a laboratory, the velocity wave has been tested and found to be "c". Now the

raisonning goes so that: At time t=(t1+t2)/2 the "instantaneous" distance from A
to B was c times t2-t1. Now there is no "instantaneous" displacements, so we
assume the velocity "c" of the wave is far larger than any one applied to A or
B. In that way "c" is infinite in the reasonning giving the distance's formula
and finite when applied in that same formula! So our world is built on a big
error, we don't see it in practice because everything we can see or feel move

indeed at a very slow pace on a relativistic scale. The world is what we see not

because this is a physical truth but because our environment is very particular.

Assume we plot a space dimension on the horizontal line and time on the vertical
one, the limit velocity "c"  will be one unit of space traveled by unit of time
or a 45 degree line on the space-time drawing. Everything between that line and
the horizontal one will be "the elsewhere", a domain outside normal experience.
In the above radar experiment, "elsewhere" was reduced by the infinite velocity
to the horizontal line. If we take into account the full "elsewhere" domain, it
turns out the distance A-B may be anything from the low speed preceeding value
down to zero. This is the main point to see: Relatyvity forbids velocity larger
than "c", a well known fact, on the other side it allows to REDUCE distance to
nearly nothing.

The ever relativistically hot hell reduces any distance to nearly nothing, stars
are at the next door, that sound interesting for space travel. Because the "c"
limit is never broken, there is no time paradox and no time travel. There is a
new possible answer to the question: Why there are no extraterrestrial on our
world? Knowing hell, who would bother with "ordinary" interstellar travel? Any

displacement on that scale must use a relativistic process and so hell. If there
are other civilizations in the Universe, the only place where we may meet them
is the relativistic hell, not our dull, low speed, low temperature domain. Be
not interested in extraterrestrials, I turn to a better subject: Time recovery.

Assume we have, in a think experiment, an astronef moving at relativistic speed
towards Earth. Our world would be reduced in "tickness" by axial relativistic
effect and its diameter would shrink by angular relativistic reduction. For a
sufficient relativistic effect, our world would contract near its gravitational

radius, that is, in this referential frame our world would be a near black hole.
In physics, all inertial frame are equivalent and this one would be by far the
best seen from hell. Now, think about a mowing electrical charge near the Earth
surface (as we see it), going from A to B. The electric field move outward at
speed c in every direction. In hell, the down going field get frozen in the
black hole horizon, so even when the charge is at B for a long time, there is

always a field part pointing to the A's position. Past events are frozen for the
eternity in BH horizon's outside skin.

Now, come the main hell's interest: Its distance reducing capability allows to
get access to any part of the BH skin at any time. This is not time travel, but
it looks as time travel, without time paradox. It is something as an extended
present able to encompass every epoch in the past.

Well, that is only a very simplified overview of the main hell potential. I hope
you will be interested in potential use of it. If you don't move beyond
"historical periods", there is no unwanted encounter here, hell is a charming,
interesting place to use.

This message is intended at two reader classes : The first reading in 1996 and
the other looking in archives for some first hell's accounts.


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