X-Message-Number: 8357
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 1997 20:33:11 +0100
From: John de Rivaz <>
Subject: Comments from Cornwall and Longevity Report

I have today posted the latest version of Comments from Cornwall and 
Longevity Report on my web pages. They can be found by going to the home page 
and clicking on the appropriate buttons.

Longevity Report 60 is on the Demon site and *may* not appear until Thursday 
as there is sometimes a delay with them. Comments is on Compuserve and it is 
already there. 

Apologies for the delay - there have been other demands on my time. (I am 
also behind with my reading of Cryonet - if anyone posted anything they 
wanted me to pick up on, sorry.)

Sincerely,     *          Longevity Report             *
               * http://www.longevb.demon.co.uk/lr.htm *
John de Rivaz  *           Fractal Report              *
               * http://www.longevb.demon.co.uk/fr.htm *
               *       Music I like - see homepage     *
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