X-Message-Number: 9608
Date: Sun, 03 May 1998 16:32:40 -0400
From: Paul Wakfer <>
Subject: Re: Cryonet #9598 21CM & Other Questions

>Message #9598
>From: Ettinger <>
>Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 18:59:39 EDT

> 3. The Prometheus Project (PP) was originally conceived (firmly) as a for-
> profit enterprise. Later Paul Wakfer changed his mind and decided that, since
> money would come anyway mainly from immortalists, it might as well be
> nonprofit and gain the benefits of that status.

Bob Ettinger continues to misunderstand the Prometheus Project and the
course of events related to it. I never "changed (my) mind and decided"
to make it non-profit. First of all, as Brian Wowk has put it, the
Prometheus Project was and is a "rallying cry". It is not and never was
a formal organization. The goal that PP promoted was always intended to
be executed by one or more organizations with other names.

The emergence of top notch research research staff at 21CM and large
sums of money for cryopreservation research leading toward perfected
suspended animation, satisfied a major goal of the Prometheus Project.
Since 21CM was a for-profit organization, its execution of the
Prometheus Project goal made the creation of another for-profit, if not
superfluous, certainly of lower priority (and competitively more
difficult as well). 

It was always intended that PP pledgers would also have a charitable
method of contributing to the funding of the PP goal. The original
intention was to have this provided by the existing cryonics
organizations and by LEF. For many reasons, which I won't drag out
again, it became clearer as time went on that that option was not going
to work. Therefore, after the requirement of a for-profit organization
to execute the PP goal had been satisfied by 21CM, I attempted to form a
charitable organization directed toward essentially the same purpose.
When this organization (Full Length Life Society) was not well received
by the pledgers, I then learned that The institute for Neural
Cryobiology, which Thomas Donaldson had earlier offered me for PP
purposes, was not only non-profit, but already 501(c)(3) approved.
During this same period, the form of the initial research to be executed
had evolved clearly into a neuroscience cryobiological project. In
addition, since INC had been formed without reference to cryonics or
suspended animation, it was tailor-made for what I wanted and needed at
this time. 

Those are the essences of the steps that have been taken and the reasons
behind them. Nowhere is there anything which could reasonably be called
"changing ones mind" (which, IMO, implies arbitrariness and fickleness)
and I resent the implication. Currently, while getting on with the
hippocampal slice research under INC, I am waiting to see what happens
at 21CM and what form their prospectus takes. If that prospectus limits
the investment to some sizable minimum amount, as I expect, then there
may still be a place for a for-profit research organization with the PP
goal, as a vehicle for the many people who want to invest rather than
donate, but cannot meet that minimum requirement. 

Bob, if you don't understand what you are talking about, the least that
you can do is to SHUT UP!

-- Paul --

 Voice/Fax: 416-968-6291 Page: 800-805-2870
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Perfected cryopreservation of Central Nervous System tissue
for neuroscience research and medical repair of brain diseases

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