X-Message-Number: 970
Date: 08 Jul 92 16:20:16 EDT
From: Michael Clive Price <>

I was glad to read Steve Bridge's posting to 0014 a couple of days 
ago.  Much as I enjoy watching a fight it was nice to see some 
positive suggestions.  I too would like to see a clear plan laid 
out of Alcor/ Cryovita's research program(s) and a more general
discussion of policies, plans etc.  I refer to the two organisations
collectively because I'm not sure of the overlap between the two at 
the moment.

First, research programs and funding.

Steve asked for some feedback so let me start the ball rolling by 
saying that I would like to see Suda's experiments with cats' brains
reproduced under controlled and modern scientific conditions (i.e. 
the more sophisticated cryoprotectants, cool-down procedures etc
available today).  I have heard a number of lay people, cryonicists 
etc express cynicism as to the results (i.e. brains showing electrical
activity after months and years of cryogenic storage).  A positive 
result would increase the credibility of cryonics.  A negative result
would need investigation for our own peace of mind.  Either way the
experiment needs replicating under modern conditions.  I understand 
that Cryovita was planning on doing this before Jerry Leaf's premature
deanimation.  A series of funds for specific individual research goals
specifically might attract investment.  People prefer to contribute 
to specific research programs rather than some amorphous aim like
"immortality" or as Alcor deems fit.

I would be prepared to contribute to such a research project, although
my present financial commitments to the Alcor UK facility will make 
any such contribution rather modest.

Second, discussion of Alcor's policies, mission statements etc.

I suggest that they be discussed on a modified form of the 0014 thread.
Specifically that some kind individual set up AlcorNet, run along the
same lines as CryoNet, with the following differences:
1)    Membership be restricted to Alcor Suspension members and
      no messages are posted *to* SCI.CRYONICS, so that the
      discussion can be fairly free and open.  Note that this
      criterion would exclude Michael Paulle (who's not a
      suspension member) and anybody else in the future who
      became such a menance to Alcor that they had to be
      expelled.  For inclusion on the list the member would have
      to quote their Alcor membership number and provide
      evidence (like their phone number) for verification.

2)    All messages are to relate to Alcor specifically and not
      cryonics in general (which is the proper domain of CryoNet).
      So no messages are posted *from* SCI.CRYONICS.  This would 
      remove the frustration sometimes expressed on CryoNet that 
      it is too Alcor-orientated.  Something like a report on a
      suspension would still be postable to CryoNet.

Kevin has already has set up a script to mailblast all interested 
parties in the 0014 thread.  I think that the logical extension of 
this to create some form of AlcorNet.  I would nominate Kevin Q Brown
as moderator, except that I haven't asked him (yet) and he's probably 
got his hands full at the moment.  What do think Kevin, and everybody

I think that the benefits of a such a service would be:

1)    The airing of grievances before they reach boiling point, as is
      currently happening.  Most agrieved individuals seem able to 
      access CryoNet either directly or via some friend.
2)    A better informed Alcor membership of the direction Alcor is
      moving in.
3)    A better informed Alcor management of the direction the
      members wish Alcor to move in.
4)    Alcor remaining a single organisation without paralysis through
      internal mistrust, dissent etc and eventual fragmentation.

Mike Price, A-1121
  neuro-suspension member of Alcor
  member of Alcor UK
  but speaking entirely for himself

[ Mike, some of the 0014 discussion, such as this message, has drifted
  from the hard-core Alcor Board Politics to something closer to general
  CryoNet material, so I am including it in the regular mailblast.
  It's not always an easy call, though.
  As you point out, a lot of the CryoNet messages are strictly
  Alcor-oriented.  If you or someone else want to start up an AlcorNet,
  then you certainly are welcome to do it.  Anyone can get into the
  mailing list business at any time.  Furthermore, I think that it would
  be a good idea for several people to get practice doing that.  When
  sci.cryonics comes on-line we may encounter a number of opportunities
  for breaking discussions out to small groups of interested individuals.
  (The 0014.* thread has been a useful experiment in that type of thing.)
  Who knows, we may even end up with competing sci.cryonics digests. - KQB ]

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